Javon Walton Ethnicity, What is Javon Walton's Ethnicity?

Javon Walton Ethnicity: Want to know about Javon Walton's ethnicity, then you are in the right place, also check his complete Biography here.

by Vinothini

Updated Mar 07, 2024

Javon Walton Ethnicity, What is Javon Walton's Ethnicity?

Javon Walton Ethnicity

Javon Walton is of Mixed descent. Ethnicity is the one that tells the identification of a group based on a perceived cultural distinctiveness

Javon Walton is a popular American actor and professional boxer who was born on 22 July 2006.

According to Online Sources, Javon Walton is of Mixed Ethnicity born in, the United States.

Real Name
Javon Anthony Walton
Nick Name
Javon Walton
Date of birth
22 July 2006
17 years old
155 cm
50 kg (110 lbs)
Birth Place
United States
American actor and professional boxer

Who is Javon Walton?

Javon Anthony Walton, better known by his nickname "Wanna," is a young American who has established himself as a force to be reckoned with in both the entertainment industry and the world of boxing. Born on June 22, 2006, in Atlanta, Georgia, Javon's talents and determination have propelled him to achieve success at a young age.

Javon's journey began unexpectedly. In 2017, at the age of 11, he was discovered on social media by television personality Steve Harvey. This unexpected exposure led him to appear on the talk show "STEVE," marking his first step into the spotlight.

Soon after, Javon landed his breakout role in the critically acclaimed HBO series "Euphoria" in 2019. He portrayed the enigmatic character of Ashtray, a complex and layered individual who resonated with audiences despite his limited dialogue. This role not only showcased Javon's acting abilities but also catapulted him into the world of professional acting.

However, Javon's passion extends beyond the silver screen. He has been boxing since the tender age of four, demonstrating exceptional talent and dedication to the sport. Javon is a five-time Georgia State Champion and a four-time USA Boxing South East Regional Champion, solidifying his skills and achievements in the ring.

Javon's athletic prowess extends beyond boxing. He is also a skilled gymnast, further highlighting his diverse range of talents. His dedication to athletics has even earned him recognition from major brands like Under Armour and Brand Jordan, with the latter making him their youngest ever signee in 2022.

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Javon Walton Height and Weight

Javon Walton, standing at a height of 155 centimeters and weighing 50 kilograms (or approximately 110 pounds), possesses a physique that belies his strength and agility. Despite his modest stature, Walton's physical attributes are perfectly suited to his endeavors, whether it be in athletics, entertainment, or daily life.

At 155 centimeters tall, Walton's compact frame allows for agility and quick movements, enabling him to excel in various activities requiring speed and precision. His weight of 50 kilograms reflects a balance between lean muscle and endurance, contributing to his overall athleticism and performance.

Physical Attributes
155 cm
50 kg (110 lbs)
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Javon Walton Nationality

Javon Walton's nationality is deeply rooted in the cultural tapestry of the United States of America. Born and raised in the diverse landscape of America, Walton embodies the ethos of a nation built upon immigration and multiculturalism. As an American, Walton inherits a rich heritage shaped by a multitude of influences, from Native American traditions to the contributions of immigrants from around the world.

His nationality reflects the ideals of freedom, opportunity, and equality espoused by the United States, while also acknowledging the complexities and challenges inherent in its history. Walton's identity as an American resonates with the values of innovation, resilience, and cultural exchange that define the nation.

Javon Walton Ethnicity - FAQ

1. What is Javon Walton's Ethnicity?

Javon Walton is of Mixed Ethnicity.

2. Who is a Javon Walton?

Javon Walton is an American actor and professional boxer.

3. How old is Javon Walton?

Javon Walton is 17 years old.

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