Mannequin Pussy Loud Bark Lyrics know the real meaning of Mannequin Pussy's Loud Bark Song lyrics

Mannequin Pussy's 'Loud Bark' lyrics embody defiance and empowerment, depicting a desire to break free from societal constraints and embrace individuality with a fierce spirit and unapologetic attitude

by Dheshni

Updated Mar 07, 2024

Mannequin Pussy Loud Bark Lyrics know the real meaning of Mannequin Pussy's Loud Bark Song lyrics

Mannequin Pussy Loud Bark Lyrics

Not a single motherfucker who has tried to lock me up
Could get the collar 'round my neck
Or find one that's big enough
I'm a waste of a woman, but I taste like success
I keep all of my sugar where I know you like it best

I am a loud bark, deep bite
A loud bark, deep bite
I got a loud bark, deep bite
A loud bark, deep bite
I got a loud bark, deep bite
A loud bark, deep bite

I want to be a danger
I want to be adored
I want to walk around at night while being ignored
I'm such a romantic
I'm such a fucking tease
I keep you in my sugar and you eat it on your knees

I am a loud bark, deep bite
A loud bark, deep bite
I got a loud bark, deep bite
A loud bark, deep bite
I got a loud bark, deep bite
A loud bark, deep bite
I got a loud bark, deep bite
A loud bark, deep bite
I got a loud bark, deep bite
A loud bark, deep bite
I got a loud bark, deep bite
A loud bark, deep bite

Bite, bite, bite, bite

Mannequin Pussy Loud Bark Lyrics Meaning

The lyrics of "Loud Bark" by Mannequin Pussy convey themes of defiance, empowerment, and unapologetic individuality. The protagonist rejects societal attempts to constrain or define her, expressing a bold sense of self and a refusal to conform to conventional expectations.

The imagery of being a "loud bark, deep bite" symbolizes a fierce exterior and a potent inner strength, while the desire to be dangerous and adored reflects a longing for authenticity and recognition on her own terms

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Mannequin Pussy Loud Bark Lyrics Details


Mannequin Pussy


I Got Heaven

Release Date


Available on

YouTube Music

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Mannequin Pussy Loud Bark Lyrics Facts

  • Defiant Tone: The lyrics of "Loud Bark" by Mannequin Pussy express defiance and empowerment, rejecting attempts to confine or control the protagonist's identity.
  • Symbolism of Collar: The line "Could get the collar 'round my neck, or find one that's big enough" metaphorically represents resistance against societal constraints and expectations.
  • Assertion of Individuality: The protagonist embraces her uniqueness, describing herself as a "waste of a woman" but also as tasting like success, reflecting a sense of self-worth and confidence.

Mannequin Pussy Loud Bark Lyrics - FAQ

1. When was Mannequin Pussy formed?

Mannequin Pussy was formed in 2010 in Philadelphia

2. Who are the current members of the band?

The current members are Marisa "Missy" Dabice (lead vocalist and guitarist), Kaleen Reading (drummer), Colins "Bear" Regisford (bassist), and Maxine Steen (guitarist)

3. How many studio albums have they released?

They have released four studio albums: "Mannequin Pussy" (2014), "Romantic" (2016), "Patience" (2019), and "I Got Heaven" (2024)

4. Which record labels have they worked with?

They released their first two albums on Tiny Engines and their latest albums, including "I Got Heaven," on Epitaph Records

5. What EP did they release in 2021?

They released an EP titled "Perfect" in 2021.

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