Mannequin Pussy I Don't Know You Lyrics know the real meaning of Mannequin Pussy's I Don't Know You Song lyrics

Mannequin Pussy's 'I Don't Know You' lyrics explore the tension between knowing about someone and truly understanding them, revealing the complexities of relationships and the barriers to intimacy through introspective narration and repetition

by Dheshni

Updated Mar 07, 2024

Mannequin Pussy I Don't Know You Lyrics know the real meaning of Mannequin Pussy's I Don't Know You Song lyrics

Mannequin Pussy I Don't Know You Lyrics

I know 1, 2 things I have heard about you
But I wouldn't tell you
No I couldn't tell you

I know 3, 4 things that they say about you
But I wouldn't tell you
No I couldn't tell you

I know a lot of things
I know a lot of things
But I don't know you

I know 4, 5,6, 7 ways to get ahead
But I wouldn't know how to get you into my bed
There are 3 little words
That I wish I had said
But I wouldn't tell you
No, I couldn't tell you

I know a lot of things
I know a lot of things
But I don't know you
I know a lot of things

I know a lot of things
But I don't know you

I know 1, 2 things I have heard about you
But I wouldn't tell you
No I couldn't tell you

I know 3, 4 things that they say about you
But I wouldn't tell you
No I couldn't tell you

I know a lot of things
I know a lot of things
But I don't know you

I know 4, 5,6, 7 ways to get ahead
But I wouldn't know how to get you into my bed
There are 3 little words
That I wish I had said
But I wouldn't tell you
No, I couldn't tell you
I know a lot of things

I know a lot of things
But I don't know you
I know a lot of things
I know a lot of things
But I don't know you

Mannequin Pussy I Don't Know You Lyrics Meaning

The lyrics of "I Don't Know You" by Mannequin Pussy reflect on the disparity between superficial knowledge and true understanding in relationships. Despite hearing various things about the person, the protagonist acknowledges their limited understanding and inability to truly know them. The song explores the complexities of intimacy, desire, and communication, highlighting the challenge of bridging the gap between perception and reality in human connections.

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Mannequin Pussy I Don't Know You Lyrics Details


Mannequin Pussy


I Got Heaven

Release Date


Available on

YouTube Music

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Mannequin Pussy I Don't Know You Lyrics Facts

  • Exploration of Perception vs. Reality: "I Don't Know You" by Mannequin Pussy delves into the theme of perception versus reality in relationships, acknowledging the limitations of hearsay and superficial knowledge in truly understanding someone.
  • Reflection on Communication: The lyrics highlight the struggle of expressing genuine feelings and desires, as the protagonist grapples with the inability to convey certain thoughts and emotions to the subject of the song.
  • Complexity of Intimacy: The song captures the complexity of intimacy and connection, illustrating the challenge of bridging the gap between knowing facts about someone and truly comprehending their essence.

Mannequin Pussy I Don't Know You Lyrics - FAQ

1. When was Mannequin Pussy formed?

Mannequin Pussy was formed in 2010 in Philadelphia

2. Who are the current members of the band?

The current members are Marisa "Missy" Dabice (lead vocalist and guitarist), Kaleen Reading (drummer), Colins "Bear" Regisford (bassist), and Maxine Steen (guitarist)

3. How many studio albums have they released?

They have released four studio albums: "Mannequin Pussy" (2014), "Romantic" (2016), "Patience" (2019), and "I Got Heaven" (2024)

4. Which record labels have they worked with?

They released their first two albums on Tiny Engines and their latest albums, including "I Got Heaven," on Epitaph Records

5. What EP did they release in 2021?

They released an EP titled "Perfect" in 2021.

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