Materia Guardian in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, How to Defeat the Materia Guardian in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

The challenges posed by the Materia Guardian in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and master the strategies to defeat this formidable boss. Explore tips, tactics, and essential preparations needed to conquer the Materia Guardian in Nibelheim.

by R Vigneshwaraa

Updated Mar 07, 2024

Materia Guardian in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, How to Defeat the Materia Guardian in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

Materia Guardian in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

The encounter with the Materia Guardian in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is a pivotal moment that sets the tone for the challenges ahead. Nibelheim, the backdrop for this intense battle, becomes a testing ground for players as they control both Sephiroth and Cloud in their quest. The Materia Guardian's formidable presence requires a careful balance of offensive prowess and defensive strategies.

With the prolonged duration of this boss battle, players are advised to approach it with foresight and preparation. A well-stocked inventory of healing items becomes indispensable, ensuring the party's resilience against the Materia Guardian's relentless assaults. Furthermore, the judicious selection and utilization of Materias play a crucial role in enhancing the characters' abilities and exploiting the boss's weaknesses.

Navigating through the Materia Guardian encounter in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth demands not only skillful combat but also a keen understanding of the characters' strengths and the enemy's patterns. As players confront this initial major boss, the choices made in terms of equipment, items, and strategy will significantly impact the outcome of the battle and set the stage for the adventures that lie ahead in the game.

How to Defeat the Materia Guardian in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

Engage in the First Phase

  • In the initial phase, attack the Materia Guardian aggressively while avoiding the Seizing Claws attack.

Beware of Seizing Claws

  • Be cautious not to get caught by the Seizing Claws attack; if captured, have a party member attack the leg to free the captured character.

Exploit Pressure and Stagger

  • Once Pressured and Staggered, maximize damage output to deplete the boss's health.

Use Focused Thrust and Voidshatter

  • Employ Cloud's Focused Thrust and Sephiroth's Voidshatter abilities to accelerate the Pressure build-up.

Transition to Phase 2

  • As the Materia Guardian jumps to the ceiling in Phase 2, utilize Fire elemental attacks to target its weakness and bring it down.

Employ Counterfire Synergy

  • Maintain an offensive strategy, using Counterfire Synergy to block Mucous Discharge and Stonefall abilities as needed. Alternatively, consider using Fire Materia.

Progress to Phase 3

  • Whittle down the boss's health to trigger the third and final phase, requiring the use of Fire abilities.

Utilize Double Helix Synergy

  • Attack the boss with Fire abilities to bring it into melee range again. Use the Double Helix Synergy ability to deal substantial damage with both Cloud and Sephiroth simultaneously.

Exploit Post-Synergy Boosts

  • Take advantage of the boosts provided after Synergy to inflict additional damage. Cloud's Limit Break becomes more effective, and Sephiroth gains unlimited MP for a short period.

Apply Continuous Pressure

  • Utilize Sephiroth's Fire abilities to maintain Pressure on the boss while spamming Cloud's Ascension Limit Break for sustained damage.

Prioritize Healing

  • Always stay vigilant and heal as necessary throughout the battle to ensure the party's survivability.
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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is an action role-playing game developed and published by Square Enix. As a sequel to Final Fantasy VII Remake (2020), it marks the second installment in a planned trilogy remaking the iconic 1997 PlayStation game, Final Fantasy VII.

Continuing the gameplay style of its predecessor, Rebirth blends real-time action with strategic and role-playing elements. The narrative unfolds immediately after the events of Remake, following mercenary Cloud Strife and the AVALANCHE eco-terrorist group. Their quest takes them across the Planet to thwart the megacorporation Shinra from exploiting the life essence, Lifestream, as an energy source. Their ultimate goal is to confront Sephiroth, a former elite SOLDIER, who aims to unite with the Planet for increased power.

Commencing production in November 2019 before Remake's release, Rebirth was officially revealed in June 2022. The key staff from the previous game returned to their roles, with Tetsuya Nomura serving as the creative director (instead of director), and Naoki Hamaguchi taking on the role of director (instead of co-director).Released exclusively for the PlayStation 5 on February 29, 2024, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth continues the legacy of the beloved franchise with its captivating storyline and engaging gameplay.

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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Gameplay

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is part of a trilogy recreating the classic 1997 PlayStation game. It picks up the story after Final Fantasy VII Remake (2020), with the characters escaping Midgar.The main character is Cloud Strife, a former Shinra soldier now allied with AVALANCHE, an eco-terrorist group fighting against Shinra's exploitation of the planet's life energy. The plot revolves around their conflict with Sephiroth, an elite SOLDIER presumed dead but now returning for a showdown. Rebirth, like Remake, reimagines the original game with added character depth and narrative expansion.

The game involves real-time exploration and combat in a more open overworld than Remake's linear Midgar. Objective markers guide players through main and side quests, with distances displayed in the heads-up display. Chocobos provide faster travel, and combat combines action-focused melee with the Active-Time Battle (ATB) system. Characters switch freely, using physical attacks, magic, and items strategically. The "Synergized" mechanic, introduced in the DLC "Episode INTERmission," allows synchronized attacks at a slower ATB bar fill rate.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Plot

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth extends the narrative from Final Fantasy VII Remake, introducing a reimagination of the original 1997 game. Set on "The Planet," the story revolves around the struggle against Shinra, a powerful corporation exploiting the Lifestream. The main goal is to thwart Sephiroth's plan to summon Meteor and achieve godhood by merging with the Lifestream. The game covers events from leaving Midgar to the Forgotten Capital, with a changed exploration order.

Cloud Strife leads the party, including Barret Wallace, Tifa Lockhart, Aerith Gainsborough, Red XIII, and Yuffie Kisaragi, each contributing unique skills. Additional characters like Zack Fair, Cait Sith, Vincent Valentine, and Cid Highwind play vital roles. Other elements include supporting characters, surviving AVALANCHE members, and new recruits like Elena from the Turks.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Trailer

How to Defeat the Materia Guardian in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth- FAQs

1. What is the Materia Guardian in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

The Materia Guardian in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is a significant boss encountered in Nibelheim, serving as an early and pivotal challenge in the game.

2. Where does the Materia Guardian encounter take place?

The encounter with the Materia Guardian unfolds in Nibelheim, providing players with a testing ground for strategic gameplay.

3. What characters do players control during the Materia Guardian battle?

Players control both Sephiroth and Cloud during the intense battle with the Materia Guardian, adding complexity to the encounter.

4. What is crucial for success in the prolonged Materia Guardian boss battle?

Success in the prolonged Materia Guardian boss battle demands foresight and preparation, emphasizing the importance of a well-stocked inventory of healing items and strategic use of Materias.

5. What impact do player choices have during the Materia Guardian encounter?

Player choices, including equipment selection, item usage, and strategic approaches, significantly influence the outcome of the Materia Guardian battle and set the stage for subsequent adventures in the game.

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