How to be the worst wizard in Dragon's Dogma 2? Dragon Dogma 2 Gameplay, Overview, Development and More

Unveil the dark art of being the worst wizard in Dragon's Dogma 2 as you embrace chaotic spells, disastrous tactics, and unravel the secrets of misfortune in this unique gaming experience.

by S Bargavi

Updated Mar 06, 2024

How to be the worst wizard in Dragon's Dogma 2? Dragon Dogma 2 Gameplay, Overview, Development and More

Dragon’s Dogma 2

Dragon's Dogma 2, the highly anticipated action role-playing game from Capcom, is set to captivate gamers with its sequel to the original Dragon's Dogma released in 2012. The game is a promising addition to the action RPG genre, with an expected release date of March 22, 2024, available on PlayStation 5, Windows, and Xbox Series X/S platforms.

As players delve into Dragon's Dogma 2, they can anticipate an immersive gaming experience filled with action-packed scenarios and rich role-playing elements. The sequel aims to build upon the success of its predecessor, introducing new gameplay dynamics and an engaging storyline. With Capcom at the helm of both development and publishing, gamers can expect a polished and well-crafted adventure as they explore the game's fantastical world.

The release of Dragon's Dogma 2 marks a significant moment for fans eagerly awaiting the continuation of the beloved franchise. With improved graphics, enhanced gameplay mechanics, and a new chapter in the Dragon's Dogma universe, players can look forward to a thrilling and visually stunning RPG experience when the game launches on various platforms in March 2024.

How to be the worst wizard in Dragon's Dogma 2?

In Dragon's Dogma 2, becoming the worst wizard can be an amusing and unconventional playstyle that adds a unique twist to your gaming experience. To achieve this dubious title, you'll need to embrace chaotic and counterproductive practices that defy the norms of a skilled sorcerer. Here's a light-hearted guide on how to be the worst wizard in Dragon's Dogma 2:

  • Ignore Elemental Weaknesses:

  • Instead of exploiting enemies' vulnerabilities, use a random assortment of spells without considering elemental strengths and weaknesses. Casting fire spells on fiery creatures or ice spells on frosty foes is a surefire way to be the least effective wizard in the realm.
  • Overuse Telekinesis Unwisely:

  • The Mystic Spearhand's telekinesis ability is a potent tool, but to be the worst wizard, use it haphazardly. Throw objects randomly, including at your own party members, and create chaos instead of strategic advantages. Forget about using it to your team's benefit; it's all about the comedic mishaps.
  • Neglect Healing Spells:

  • A terrible wizard cares little for the well-being of their party. Avoid healing spells and let your companions fend for themselves. Watch them struggle while you focus on casting flashy but impractical offensive spells. Survivability is for wizards who want to be helpful.
  • Disregard Quest Objectives:

  • Act like quests are mere suggestions. Wander aimlessly, ignore vital mission details, and engage in unrelated activities. Whether it's rescuing a character from wolves or finding a "pretty stone," prioritize your own whims over the needs of the quest giver.
  • Indulge in Long Monologues:

  • When engaged in dialogue, go on long-winded monologues or irrelevant anecdotes. Make your character known for oversharing and getting lost in their own thoughts, leaving quest-related matters unattended.
  • Forget About Balanced Parties:

  • Assemble a party of misfit pawns with no consideration for a balanced team. Stack your squad with multiple wizards or one-dimensional characters, ensuring your group lacks versatility and struggles against various enemy types.
  • Waste Time in Combat:

  • Engage enemies inefficiently, wasting time and resources. Use your spells extravagantly, even when unnecessary, and revel in the chaos rather than aiming for swift and effective victories.
  • Neglect Companion Relationships:

  • In Dragon's Dogma 2, your pawn companions can learn from your actions. To be the worst wizard, pay no attention to building relationships with your pawns. Ignore their needs, desires, and potential for growth, creating a team devoid of camaraderie.
  • Avoid Tactical Planning:

  • Act impulsively in battles without strategic planning. Rush into combat situations without assessing the surroundings or considering enemy strengths. Make each encounter a spectacle of disorder rather than a calculated engagement.
  • Enjoy Being a Rogue Wizard:

  • Embrace the role of the rogue wizard who defies conventions. Have fun breaking the mold, creating an unorthodox and entertaining playthrough that prioritizes chaos over wizardly wisdom.

Remember, being the worst wizard in Dragon's Dogma 2 is all about embracing unpredictability, disregarding conventional strategies, and infusing your gameplay with a touch of mayhem and mischief.

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Dragon’s Dogma 2 Gameplay

In Dragon's Dogma 2, you step into the shoes of the "Arisen," a hero marked by a dragon to be defeated. Playing from a third-person perspective, you explore the vast open world, tackle quests, and confront monsters amid a geopolitical conflict between two kingdoms.

The Arisen is aided by AI-controlled allies called "Pawns," who function like player-controlled avatars, assisting in battles, providing enemy information, and guiding quests. Players can create and customize their avatar and Pawn, selecting different genders, appearances, and races. Additionally, two extra Pawns created by other players can be recruited.

Characters in the game follow "vocations," defining their combat abilities and equipment. Vocations include basic, advanced, and hybrid classes, with the Arisen having exclusive access to hybrid options. The game introduces new hybrid vocations like Mystic Spearhand and Trickster, each offering unique abilities and playstyles. Engaging in vocations unlocks additional combat skills as characters progress.

The seamless open world is four times larger than the first game, featuring two major kingdoms—Vermund and Battahl—with diverse inhabitants. Fast travel options include ferrystones and oxcarts, and players can set up camps at campsites during the night. The dynamic day-night cycle influences encounters and enemy strength, offering an immersive experience with emergent events that demand adaptability.

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Dragon’s Dogma 2 Overview

Game Name

Dragon's Dogma 2






RE Engine


PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox Series X/S

Release Date

March 22, 2024


Action role-playing



Dragon’s Dogma 2 Development

Dragon's Dogma 2, directed by Hideaki Itsuno, focuses on improving gameplay mechanics from the first game and reintroducing features that were previously unavailable due to technological limitations. Itsuno's goal is to enhance the overall experience, aiming for a polished and immersive RPG and action adventure. While the sequel may not introduce entirely new elements, the emphasis is on refinement to deliver a more engaging player experience.

In response to player feedback, the development team has expanded the dialogue for the pawns in the game, addressing a common request from players of the original title. The inspiration for creating the game's world and emergent gameplay was drawn from the successful Grand Theft Auto V.

This influence suggests a dedication to crafting a dynamic and living game world, ensuring that players encounter unexpected events and enjoy a more vibrant and responsive gaming environment in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 System Requirement





Windows 10 (64 bit)/Windows 11 (64 bit)

Windows 10 (64 bit)/Windows 11 (64 bit)


Intel Core i5 10600 / AMD Ryzen 5 3600

Intel Core i7-10700 / AMD Ryzen 5 3600X





NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 / AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT with 8GB VRAM

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 / AMD Radeon RX 6700


Version 12

Version 12


Broadband Internet connection

Broadband Internet connection

Additional Notes

Estimated performance: 1080p/30fps. Framerate might drop in graphics-intensive scenes. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti or AMD Radeon RX 6800 required to support ray tracing.

Estimated performance: 2160i/30fps. Framerate might drop in graphics-intensive scenes. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti or AMD Radeon RX 6800 required to support ray tracing.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Trailer

How to be the worst wizard in Dragon's Dogma 2? : FAQs.

1. How can I be the worst wizard in Dragon's Dogma 2?

To be the worst wizard, neglect elemental weaknesses, overuse telekinesis for chaos, ignore healing spells, and disregard quest objectives.

2. What inspired the development of Dragon's Dogma 2?

The game's world and emergent gameplay were inspired by Grand Theft Auto V.

3. What's the significance of the game's open world?

Dragon's Dogma 2 features a seamless open world four times larger than the first game, with two major kingdoms—Vermund and Battahl.

4. How does Dragon's Dogma 2 handle vocations?

Characters have vocations, defining their combat abilities. The Arisen can access basic, advanced, and hybrid classes.

5. What are Pawns in Dragon's Dogma 2?

Pawns are AI-controlled allies that assist the player in battles, provide information on enemies, and guide quests.

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